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Brandbrief 1 l Brandbrief 2 l Aktuelles/Berichte l Unterstützen l Weiteres/Presse l Impressum |
Dear Secretary of Labor, Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, Dear Director of the Employment Agency, Dr. F.J. Weise, Dear Manager of the Job Center Berlin-Mitte, Mr. Thomas Schneider,
we all are citizens of a state that has provided for a constitution with this first sentence: “Human dignity is inviolable; it is the obligation of all state authority to respect and protect it.”
For many of us this sentence may only appear to be like a grain of sand which is ground down under the pressure of events and which perishes in an almost uncountable number of political decisions and laws - and one could easily be regarded as out of touch, or even a dreamer, if the current political and economic developments were measured by the standard of that kind of sentence.
But we cannot get around it. This is the cornerstone of our republic.
It is the cornerstone to such an extent that historians will one day say:
“Not a king, not an emperor like as 1000 years ago, not a dictator as then should give the Federal Republic of Germany the internal acceptable reason and the common will of the nation and its judiciary, the dignity of human to respect and protect absolutely.”
And of course these historians will measure the rise, the development - and possibly the fall - of this republic against these ideals, which were put in place by the republic itself.
(II) Dear Federal President, Mr. Christian Wulff, Dear Federal Chancellor, Dr. Angela Merkel, Dear Secretary of Labor, Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, Dear Director of the Employment Agency, Dr. F.J. Weise, Dear Manager of the Job Center Berlin-Mitte, Mr. Thomas Schneider,
I write to draw my personal consequences from a deplorable state of affairs that has prevailed in this country for years. We have this German Constitution, the foundation- stone of our republic but nevertheless there is a handling with citizens, which is not in accordance at all with the German Constitution: I am talking about social welfare – so called HARTZ IV!
First of all, HARTZ IV is no more than a well-meant attempt by the government to help people who have lost gainful employment, and give them help to the way back to working life. The attempt is honorable and absolutely in accordance with the Constitution. One could also simply leave them in the street.
It is no less honorable – and understandable at first glance – to deal with therapeutic principles: On one hand providing “as much help as necessary”, on the other hand only “as little help as possible”. The visitor will be forced regard to see, which large amount of money will be flowed well intentioned into so called “activating – and qualifying measures” behind living basic security of unemployed.
The reasons for unemployment may differ from those in the 70s or in the earlier 1980s. There were to be looked for the individual, because employees were sought after in the old Federal Republic.
If the unemployed were given the chance of building or to retrain themselves and were helped with personal measures of support to take part in the full life instead of parking in a solid support system, as today is offered, than it would bring a lot. Therefore the step out of the unemployment would be the step out in a pulsating and useful – and well paid indeed - working life.
(III) How different it is today! The job market is more than saturated. The unemployed are no human problem cases in general today, who are released, because they have restrictions in any case themselves and had to be treat. They are released from work because of the power of machines mostly. The shelves are filled and there is a variety of goods, which are overran all things to be ever – without needing any human manpower, that's the problem.
We are acting time-shifted, medicating a disease from yesterday, which we did not medicate yesterday, while not being able to see the illness of today. Like a doctor, who is treating a sick person because of lung disease, while missing the air to breathe, we do therapy the unemployed with instruments, which does not fit anymore and that's why there are instruments of torture.
(IV) Not the people should be treated, but the circumstances must be develop further. If all energy will used to perform the work themselves and to free the people from work – industry and economy have the agenda in their production, and with their products, which the costumer are given even more and this aim presents the opposite direction to the doctrine of full employment absolutely – then the people were given an income, which they will make independent from the job market and give them the freedom not as provisional unemployment, but a real release.
An unconditional basic income could be the answer to the problem, an income for all of us both the non- labor force and the labor force too, which will give them, independently from measures of economization of work-flow, the freedom for her own art of living – and even more, present them with their own initiatives.
Because of the measures of economization there is a need for the conditional basic income in all places, not only in Germany, but in the whole world. The worst fears which are knotted on such a suggestion are devitalized multifaceted [1], the advantages for the people, for the economy and the development of culture are shown comprehensively and ideas, how to do it is provided by many sites .
Instead of thinking about solving such problems, we press the laid-off workers back to a job-market, which has ejected them yet, because they are not needed anymore. We don t let them come to her senses, victimize their common resentments ,which see moving them only from one impasse to the next – and we wonder why both, in the word of unemployment and in the world of so artificial made and more and more swelling lowest wage structure - structural and human proportions to skill, which beggars all description.
(V) Human dignity is inviolable? Because of structural faulty handling very different actualities arise than those guaranteed by the Constitution in our society.
To start with, "human dignity" itself is to be named: It is no secret that the plan of active self-help failed in all ranks and therefore most of all measures of employment or of advanced training in HARTZ IV have only this meaning: to control the involved people! Providing with a widely insufficient income [2], but healthy and able to work there is a danger, that they will moonlight.
People have to be artificially employed so that the rest of the employees will not fall into unemployment and cause a drop in the public revenue. And not just artificial, but senseless, because the stipulated work is not permitted to undermine the rest of the job market.
(VI) Employing people with work that is senseless invalidates human dignity and even more they were threatened with hunger and homelessness, if they dos not grant this request to enforcements of such humbug.
We have in HARTZ IV the first army of slaves – strongly worded – which is laboring to supply useless work [3]. And in sanctions with hunger and homelessness we have means of corrections, that supporting measures of the state will made to threatened coercive for the livelihood. [4]
I would just like to mention the clauses that have been overridden by the actual practices:
- Article 1 of the German Constitution (“Human dignity is inviolable”) [5] - Article 2 (The law of self-fulfillment of the individual) [6] - Article 11 (labor mobility in the whole Federal territory) [7] - Article 12 (Free choice of employment/ Interdiction of forced labor) [8] - Article 13 (Inviolability of the home) [9]
- Article 6 (Protection of the family) [10]
Not “overridden”, but simply not considered:
Article 19 (“Citation requirement”) [11]
More than one third of 19 articles of human right are with it ceased to be valid. When the picture is drawn in public, the HARTZ IV – recipient would be an unkempt [12], unreliable and lazy person who can only be moved and controlled with sanctions, if it is claimed: “The rising of HARTZ IV was a push of the "tobacco and spirits industry" [13] and further, the HARTZ IV recipient won't be allowed to get cash for the children, because he would misapply [14] it, then only the dark shadows are described, which were given by somebody herself to bring that system in social life. That´s an incitement of the people [15], in relation to the real people, which apply HARTZ IV and it should be prosecuted by the state.
(VII) We are living in a period of worldwide flaming revolutions. In Germany too, there is a tense situation, that we are worried about releasing a revolt, only because ... someone occupy the right again, which would belong to themselves, if it were not in the German Constitution.
One could therefore shy away from an application of human rights of that type. But to fail to do it would mean, that the unjust circumstances will be established over and over again.
That´s why I want to draw the following practical conclusions:
I openly resist any state-run impertinence from this day forward, to accept an absurd supply of job or to follow the rules, which are imposed from the employment agency. I refuse the obsession with gainful employment in any way, which has proven in reality as an illusion, too.
I claim an absolute right of a free, self-determined life for myself, which I can attend to an activity, choosing by myself and not instructed from outside, which seems useful for me, even though I am forced to get HARTZ IV because of the economical and political circumstances.
I hold sacred any work that follows from a serious internal concern of a person: - regardless of whether it is carried externally or internally - regardless of whether it will afford a purchase or not!
A society, which focus only on gainful employment, will dig its own grave, because they ignore the basic more primary, more important emotional and intellectual drive of work and even the thinking of the mother about the education of their children, not more than the employment of a human to lovely tend a friend or a family member in need of help to put under the production and selling of toilet paper and gummy bears yet. [16]
I can´t imagine that Germany follow a way to override the so hard-won human rights and make fear of sanctions and unworthily work and social governmental totally centralized control to daily routine of millions and millions of people and request:
- a deletion of all clauses of Code of Social Law II that are aimed against the free democratic constitutional structure and individual human rights, especially Clauses 2, 31 and 32, as well as Claus 36a too, SGB XII - a restoration of validity to Articles 1, 2, 6, 11, 12, 13 and 19.
I am definitely counting on sanctions because of SGB II nobody couldn't react to this announcement in another way.
If I would get sanctions is the legal action is free to the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, in the sense of reconstitution of the German Constitution. Now it´s all about if the human in Germany will have the absolute right of existence or he have to earn even a life of human dignity and have to perform therefore obedience of bondage forced labor or unworthy low-wage jobs. Now it's up further, if the government is allowed to dictate, what is the sense in the life of every individual citizen, or such decision should everybody make of his own, because otherwise the right of self-determination cannot be guaranteed.
If I don't get sanctions, we would take this situation as a precedent: Freedom from sanctions has to apply to all!
Dear People to Whom This is Addressed,
I have an idea how much are the questions and as high are the barriers for rethinking and to reroute in social fields. So I don´t want to end the letter before promising you my full participation and the participation of a great number of my friends and experts (social scientists, legal academics, businessmen, managers, bankers, civil servants, philosophers, politicians, clerics, artists, trade unionists, from concerned of HARTZ IV, etc.) Because the issue is primarily that approaches to a solution that are there can also be used. [17]
Now it is up to you!
Für diesen Text gilt:
[2] Selbst Heinrich Alt, Vorstandsmitglied der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, gibt inzwischen zu, dass die Höhe von Hartz IV menschenunwürdig ist:. http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/0,1518,759797,00.html [3] Wir haben mit Hartz IV nicht nur das erste Sklavenheer der Weltgeschichte, welches gezwungen wird, sinnlose Arbeit zu leisten – sondern welches den Sklavenhalter auch noch Geld kostet. [4] Bedrohung mit Hunger und Obdachlosigkeit (vgl. § 31 SGB II) ist härter als Bedrohung mit Gefängnis: Gefängnis ist würdiger durchzustehen – es sei denn, dass man dort gefoltert wird. [5] Art. 1 GG (1): Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Sie zu achten und zu schützen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt. [6] Art. 2 GG (1): Jeder hat das Recht auf die freie Entfaltung seiner Persönlichkeit, soweit er nicht die Rechte anderer verletzt und nicht gegen die verfassungsmäßige Ordnung oder das Sittengesetz verstößt. [7] Art. 11 GG (1): Alle Deutschen genießen Freizügigkeit im ganzen Bundesgebiet. Dieser Satz wird allerdings eingeschränkt durch: (2) Dieses Recht darf nur(…) für die Fälle eingeschränkt werden, in denen eine ausreichende Lebensgrundlage nicht vorhanden ist und der Allgemeinheit daraus besondere Lasten entstehen würden. Wenn nach Satz (2) keine besonderen Lasten für die Allgemeinheit entstehen, dürfte auch das Grundrecht auf Freizügigkeit nicht eingeschränkt werden! – Bei bedingungslosem Grundeinkommen hätte allerdings jeder eine ausreichende Lebensgrundlage und der Passus könnte ganz entfallen. [8] Art. 12 GG (1): Alle Deutschen haben das Recht, Beruf, Arbeitsplatz und Ausbildungsstätte frei zu wählen (…) (2) Niemand darf zu einer bestimmten Arbeit gezwungen werden, außer im Rahmen einer herkömmlichen allgemeinen, für alle gleichen öffentlichen Dienstleistungspflicht. Die Definition für Zwangsarbeit lautet nach Wikipedia: Als Zwangsarbeit wird eine Arbeit bezeichnet, zu der ein Mensch unter Androhung einer Strafe oder eines sonstigen empfindlichen Übels, gegen seinen Willen, gezwungen wird. Da die Ablehnung eines Arbeits-, Fortbildungs- oder sinnfreien Beschäftigungsangebotes vom Jobcenter mit einer Streichung des Lebensunterhaltes sanktioniert wird, liegt in den meisten Fällen Zwangsarbeit vor. [9] Die Unverletzlichkeit der Wohnung wird heute von den Jobcentern systematisch missachtet. Unangemeldete Kontrollen und Sanktionen, wenn man nicht bedingungslos kooperiert, sind Alltag in Hartz IV. [10] Art. 6 GG (1): Ehe und Familie stehen unter dem besonderen Schutze der staatlichen Ordnung. (…) (4) Jede Mutter hat Anspruch auf den Schutz und die Fürsorge der Gemeinschaft. Ich erwähne den Artikel, weil die natürliche Hilfsbereitschaft in Familien in der Konstruktion der Bedarfsgemeinschaften in Hartz IV nicht geschützt oder gefördert, sondern zu einer Zwangshilfspflicht umgedeutet und staatlicherseits durch massive Kürzung der Hilfeleistung ausgebeutet wird. Familien werden in existenzielle Nöte getrieben, die sie nicht selten auseinander brechen lassen. Auch Familienarbeit wird nicht unterstützt, sondern sanktioniert. Sie gilt als ehrenamtlich und ist Hartz IVlern damit im Wesentlichen untersagt. Wird ein Mitglied der Familie sanktioniert, trifft die Kürzung zudem die ganze Familie, was nichts anderes als Sippenhaft bedeutet. In Not geratenen Eltern werden die Kinder weggenommen, statt dass man die Familie stützt. Kindergeld und Alimente werden überdies nur in weit unzureichender Höhe akzeptiert und vom Einkommen der Eltern abgezogen. [11] Art.19 GG (1): Soweit nach diesem Grundgesetz ein Grundrecht durch Gesetz oder auf Grund eines Gesetzes eingeschränkt werden kann, muss das Gesetz allgemein und nicht nur für den Einzelfall gelten. Außerdem muss das Gesetz das Grundrecht unter Angabe des Artikels nennen. (2) In keinem Falle darf ein Grundrecht in seinem Wesensgehalt angetastet werden. [12] Kurt Beck: “If you would wash and shave yourself, you'll find a job...” [13] Philip Missfelder, leader of the CDU/CSU- Youth- Organization “Junge Union", in February of 2009 [14] Frank Steffel, Berlin Congressman of the CDU, even suggests sanctioning parents who did not apply for the so-called "education coupon": http://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article13226288/Bildungsgutscheine-lassen-sich-nicht-versaufen.html [15] The facts of the incitement of the people are to be defined § 130, Abs. 1 Criminal Code: Wer in einer Weise, die geeignet ist, den öffentlichen Frieden zu stören, 1. gegen eine nationale, rassische, religiöse oder durch ihre ethnische Herkunft bestimmte Gruppe, gegen Teile der Bevölkerung oder gegen einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung zum Hass aufstachelt, zu Gewalt- oder Willkürmaßnahmen auffordert oder 2. die Menschenwürde anderer dadurch angreift, dass er eine vorbezeichnete Gruppe, Teile der Bevölkerung oder einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung beschimpft, böswillig verächtlich macht oder verleumdet, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe von drei Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft. [16] Es ist beides wichtig: die volkswirtschaftlich unmittelbar bedeutsame Arbeit (wie eben das Produzieren und Verkaufen von Klopapier und Gummibärchen), die daher auch unmittelbar bezahlt werden kann - und die volkswirtschaftlich nur mittelbar bedeutsame Arbeit (wie z.B. jede Form der Familienarbeit, der Nachbarschaftshilfe, des ehrenamtlichen bürgerschaftlichen Engagements, der Kulturarbeit, aber auch der Ausbildung, des Studiums, der Psychotherapie), deren wohltätige Wirkungen dem Volk oft erst später und auf Umwegen zu Gute kommen können. In letzterer haben wir in Wahrheit die Basis des Wohlergehens und der gesamten gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Entwicklung eines Volkes. Sie zu ächten, sie dem Freigestellten zu verbieten, wie das heute in Hartz IV geschieht, ist Dummheit! Durch die von Herzen kommende Hingabe, in der sie geleistet wird, und durch die dadurch entstehende hohe Kompetenz, ist sie als doppelt wertvoll anzusehen! Wer sie nicht fördert und stattdessen die Menschen in künstliche Beschäftigungen und unwürdige Niedriglohnarbeiten zwingt – auch die jetzt entstehende "Bürgerarbeit" ist nichts anderes - der sollte Landesblindengeld beantragen aber nicht "Arbeitsministerin" sein. [17] Durch das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen z.B. kann der ganze Problemkomplex aus einem Punkt heraus gelöst werden.